
Rolf Sickinger - Art

Drawings  Paintings  Sculptures

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Rolf Sickinger - Art

Its the human being that raises my interest as subject of my art. Fascinated by the human body, all its parts and its erotic  as well as the human face, I try to capture expressions and moods by focussing on drawing, painting and sculpturing. Consequenty the human  nude body and portraits build the main subject of my artwork. Figure and life drawings, paintings of the natural and naked body and portraits as well as sculptures of heads and bodies of men and women are the result of these artistic activities!

Nevertheless you may also find  one or the other abstract work !

For more examples of my art and more explanations on the subjects, techniques used and realization visit the other pages DRAWINGS, PAINTINGS and SCULPTURES. You may also follow me in the internet on Artdoxa (see the link button to the right) !

I am very much interested in obtainning your feedback and comments. Please feel free to  drop me a mail by the Email-link below!

SALE: If you are interested to obtain a work please drop me a mail by the link below and I will give you more details on material, dimensions and price!